Gwen Stefani Baby Name
Gwen Stefani is an American singer-songwriter, fashion designer, and actress. She is co-founder of the band No Doubt, and the lead singer and primary songwriter of the band’s songs. You can choose a name that is similar to Stefani’s to honor her diverse talents.
Stefani and Rossdale had a son together, but were unable to decide on a name for the third child. Gwen Stefani initially wanted to name her third child Jupiter, but Rossdale wasn’t interested in that option. Instead, she chose Apollo, a god of light and music in Greek mythology. Jupiter, on the other hand, was the god of sky and thunder in Ancient Roman myths. Gwen Stefani’s parents are rock royalty, so it seems fitting to choose a name that honors their status.
While many celebrities are trying to come up with creative names for their babies, some have found success with unique names. Gwen Stefani chose names that are both unique and creative. Her sons are named Kingston James McGregor, Zuma Nesta Rock, and Apollo Bowie Flynn. Her daughter is named Daisy Lowe. Another celebrity couple who named their first child is Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin.
While Stefani is committed to conceiving naturally, she is also open to the idea of hiring a surrogate. However, she and Shelton have confidence that they will have a baby. As a result, Stefani is already thinking of baby names and planning a nursery for the little one.