Black Haired Doll
You’ve found the right place if you’re looking to buy a doll with dark brown hair. This particular doll is produced by Ideal and features realistic African-American features. Made with the same body molds as the Velvet doll, this black haired doll is considered part of the Crissy “family” of dolls. To soothe the doll’s tired eyes, a child can use the included Pacifier.
Crissy was a black-haired American fashion doll. This doll was developed at the Ideal Toy Corporation’s prototype department in 1968. It measures approximately 18 inches in height and has auburn hair. Crissy’s hair reaches her hips and was originally sold barefoot. The Crissy doll was recreated in 1981 and 1982 with the same molds but with a different style box.