Cher Birth Chart
Cher’s birth chart has a lot of repeating themes, including her leadership, rebellious nature, and desire to make a difference. She was born in 1946, with a Sun sign of Taurus and a Moon sign of Capricorn. Her planets are strong in the Water and Air signs, and the combination of these two elements give her enormous strength and endurance.
Mercury aspects Venus, karaka planet, in the 7th house. Mercury is also the 7th lord in this birth chart. This combination makes marriage predictable. It is also important to consider the position of Mars and Venus in the chart. In addition to their karaka positions, they also have aspects from other planets in the chart.
Venus is in Gemini, and aspects the 7th house, indicating marital happiness. Her planets are incompatible with Mercury, which means she’ll likely suffer from a severe lack of peace. In addition, her Venus aspects Mars in Aries, which shows she is liberal and impulsive.
Cher and Lloyd have opposite planetary placements in their birth charts. Cher’s Uranus (sovereign) is conjunct Lloyd’s Neptune (neutral) – meaning they tend to be competitive. They have similar political and social views, and both are likely to be creative. However, this opposition also gives Lloyd and Cher the tendency to evade responsibility.
Cher’s Sun in the 7th house may give her a flirtatious drive but at a high price. Her 8th house indicates deep research, which could give her a wealth of knowledge on courtship. Besides her natural flirtatiousness, Cher is also highly resourceful and has a reputation for making deals. This combination gives her an enviable amount of self-confidence, but also a desire to be loved and adored by others.
Marriage timing is determined by the navamsha of both planets. While Jupiter and Saturn are close to one another in the birth chart, neither of them are directly conjunct. However, when Jupiter and Saturn are in transit, they will have an influence on the 1/7 axis. This can be helpful in predicting whether or not a marriage is destined to occur.
Cher and Lloyd have mutual aspects with their planets. Lloyd’s Mars is in the same house as Cher’s Neptune, which stimulates Cher’s spirituality and imagination. Together, these planets will support one another creatively and emotionally. Cher and Lloyd will make an excellent team. So, if they’re looking for a romantic relationship, a marriage could be a good choice.
Lloyd and Cher share a similar sense of self and identity. They also share a common sense of expansion and inspiration. They both inspire others to dream big. They are both highly intuitive and share similar interests. They are also adept at interpreting each other’s dreams. The relationship between Cher and Lloyd is likely to produce a great deal of financial success.
Cher was born on May 20, 1946 in El Centro, California, U.S.A. Cher is an actress, singer, and producer. Her parents divorced when Cher was ten months old, but she went on to marry actor John Southall, whom she later divorced. Together, they had a daughter, Georganne.