Elize Matsunaga Net Worth
Elize Matsunaga Net Worth – Who is Elize Matsunaga?
Elize Matsunaga is best known as the woman who murdered and dismembered her husband in 2012. Currently serving a prison sentence, her daughter lives with his family while Elize herself was made famous through a Netflix documentary series detailing her story.
Elize was born in Chopinzinho, South Western Parana Brazil on 17 September 1974 to parents who divorced when she was three. Raised by her grandparents after that point and eventually rejoining with both mother and stepfather as an adult (but only briefly before running away at age 15), Elize experienced life from within poor household. When her father left when she was three she was left behind until later reunited by mother with abusive stepfather; eventually Elize ran away at fifteen to make her life on her own terms.
Elize went on to train as a nurse and study law school simultaneously. Unfortunately, due to financial strain, she could not pay her college fees; therefore she turned to prostitution in order to fund her studies – she advertised herself on M Class as Kelly and this is where she met Marcos Matasunaga (then still married) who would become her future husband.
After dating for some time, they eventually married and welcomed a daughter together. But soon afterwards they discovered that he was cheating on her; in fact, on several occasions he would try to end their union completely and this caused her great distress.
At her trial, the defense alleged that she murdered him out of passion, but their decision may also have been motivated by money – specifically wanting better living conditions for their daughter.
However, the prosecution argued that it was a premeditated murder; they also claimed she had an obvious motive to kill him as evidenced by his cheating on her and attempts to force their marriage apart.
Elize was initially sentenced to 19 years for her crime; she began serving at Trembembe women’s prison. However, in 2019, her sentence was reduced after confessing her role in the killing; now due for release in 2035.
While in prison, she earned both her law degree and learned how to sew. Additionally, she developed a close bond with Tiago Neves (trans man). They have much in common and frequently bond over shared experiences; writing books together about prison experiences will hopefully encourage others away from violence and forgiveness, continuing advocacy work once released from imprisonment will make life worthwhile again for both of them.