
Hargrove Paintings

H. Hargrove was born in 1941 in Palermo, Italy. After graduating from the Wine Institute of Marsala, he moved to the United States to pursue a career in winemaking. After landing a job at a small vineyard in upstate New York, he began to paint the beautiful landscapes he saw. In the course of time, his style became recognized and his paintings have become very popular.

In the early 1980s, H. HARGROVE began his painting career with colored pencils. His style evolved over the years, and in the early 1990s, he turned to watercolors and oil paintings. Today, you can still find some of his original works of art, but if you’re looking for a unique piece, consider investing in a limited edition piece by the artist. Each piece is signed and has hand-embellished edges.

Hargrove began his career painting Americana, and later expanded his repertoire to include exquisitely detailed still lifes, breathtaking landscapes, and commissioned portraits. His paintings are renowned as powerful visual narratives, and his work epitomizes the American experience. Whether you’re looking for a quiet moment in time, or a dramatic, edgy portrait, you’ll find it in a Hargrove painting.

H. Hargrove was a prolific artist and a Chicago art dealer. His paintings are displayed in homes around the world. He has sold out of many limited editions, and is considered one of the country’s most sought-after living artists. In addition to exhibiting his art in galleries and museums, he has been featured on local and national television programs. His paintings are now in more than 1.5 million homes across America.

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