
Iheart Wags

I Heart Wags

If you like dogs, you’ll love the documentary “I Heart Wags.” Tim Link and Elena Pauly are the founders of WAGS of SCI, and their passion for animals is contagious. The documentary is a heartwarming look at their lives and how they have overcome obstacles. While there isn’t a trailer, the documentary is definitely worth watching.

Tim Link

If you’re looking for some tips on communicating with your pet, you’ve come to the right place. Animal communicator Tim Link offers 32 stories about his work with pets and twenty-four helpful tips. His book also includes techniques for verbal and visual communication. In addition, Tim shares his passion for animal welfare.

Elena Pauly and Brooke Page are founders of WAGS of SCI

Elena Pauly and Brooke Page are two women who have survived spinal cord injuries. Initially, they only met in person, but their friendships and work with WAGS of SCI have expanded to include a website, Facebook page, and YouTube videos. They hope to create a community for women who have been affected by spinal cord injuries and encourage them to stay strong.

Elena Pauly and Brooke Page were married in 2016 and have since become full-time caregivers for their partners. They met through mutual friends and shared experiences of being care partners. The two women’s support groups provide a safe space for caregivers to share stories, tips, and vent.

Elena Pauly and Brooke Page have made the website accessible to others suffering from spinal cord injuries. It’s full of valuable resources for women with SCI and their families. You can find podcasts, swag, and a donation page. You can also join their private Facebook group and find them on social media.

The two women met on Instagram, where they met to discuss their experiences. They went to coffee shops and yoga classes together, and they bonded over their experiences. They also shared information about local disability services and medications. While they were in Vancouver, they noticed that no community group existed for women who are married to people with SCI.

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