
Son Pee On Mom

In a recent case, Brooke Johns, a mom, was accused of letting her three-year-old son pee in the gas station parking lot. She was sentenced to up to 60 days in prison and a $5,000 fine. Johns had pulled into the gas station parking lot when she realized her son would not make it to the restroom before having to go. It was the mother’s instinct to relieve herself and let her son pee.

Peeing in the house is not a common habit for little boys, but it’s an extremely frustrating experience for many parents. This problem is usually caused by stress, unjust discipline, or something else that was not noticed. However, there are other factors that may be behind this problem, such as your parenting style or the location of the bathroom. It’s not a good idea for your child to get into a power struggle. Punishment is a bad choice and will only lead to a breakdown in your relationship.

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