2370 Airways In Memphis
A shooting was reported at 2370 Airways Blvd., Memphis, Tennessee, on Saturday afternoon. The victim, identified as 36-year-old Young Dolph, was shot outside a cookie shop. According to police, Young Dolph had just stopped to buy a cookie at the popular cookie shop, Makeda’s, on 2370 Airways. The rapper had recently been spotted supporting the business of the local baker, Makeda’s Cookies, only seven days earlier. Memphis police are investigating the case and have yet to identify a suspect.
Makeda’s Homemade Cookies has two locations, one in downtown Memphis and one in the area near the scene where Young Dolph was killed. The downtown location reopened on Nov. 17 after rumors circulated that the owners of the store were involved in the murder. The 2370 Airways location will remain closed through the end of the year. In the meantime, you can visit its sister location at 301 Jefferson in downtown Memphis.