
Dominican Republic Liposuction Packages

Liposuction is a medical procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body. This procedure is most often combined with other procedures, such as a Brazilian butt lift or tummy tuck, to give the patient a more pleasing shape. This procedure can also help treat certain medical conditions, such as lipodystrophy syndrome. The cost of liposuction depends on the specific procedure performed, as well as the size of the target area. The final price of the procedure is determined after a physical evaluation and analysis of lab results.

Patients should be aware that there is a risk of infection during liposuction in the Dominican Republic. As a result, the surgery can lead to serious complications. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned about the risks of cosmetic surgery performed in the country. In 2014, two women from New York died during their surgeries in the Dominican Republic. Johana Gonzalez suffered a heart attack before her surgery, while Janelle Edwards died after developing a blood clot from the surgery. Another woman, Beverly Brignoni, suffered a pulmonary embolism and died shortly after the procedure.

Patients who have undergone liposuction in the Dominican Republic should follow the surgeon’s postoperative instructions carefully. The doctor may recommend elevation of the affected area to help drain fluids. In addition, a cold compress can be applied to the affected area to reduce swelling and bruising.

The Dominican Republic offers excellent medical care at an affordable cost. There are many accredited medical facilities and hand-picked, contracted physicians in the country. The average procedure takes three to four hours. A medical advisor will accompany patients throughout the procedure. The cost of liposuction in the Dominican Republic is $ 1,006 per person.

Patients will require bandages for the first several days. Swelling and bruising may be expected following liposuction. Patients will also be prescribed antibiotics and pain medications. Follow-up appointments will be required to remove any temporary bandages. Typically, the recovery time is around one to two weeks.

For patients who are overweight or obese, liposuction is a good way to jumpstart a weight loss program. By removing stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction helps improve body contour and the appearance of the patient. However, it is not effective for stretch marks, cellulite, and sagging skin. While liposuction in the Dominican Republic offers flat outlines, the results are often natural looking.

The Dominican Republic offers a wide variety of plastic surgery procedures. The country has become a popular destination for medical tourists, with over 30,000 tourists undergoing plastic surgery in 2006 alone. Popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the country include liposuction, brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, and breast augmentation. Rhinoplasty and facial surgery are also high in demand.

Liposuction in the Dominican Republic is typically a safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon. However, there are still a few risks associated with the procedure, so it is important to discuss these risks with a doctor before the procedure.

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