
Dr. Ildaura Murillo-rohde Reviews

You’ve likely heard of Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde, but what are her reviews? Her medical practice is highly respected, which is the good news. We take a look at some of the achievements of this highly-regarded physician. Below are her reviews to give you an idea of what to expect from the practice. You’ll be glad that you did.

Dr. Ildaura Muillo-Rohde is the first Hispanic Dean at NYU’s School of Nursing. She has done a lot to help the Hispanic community and get them the representation they need in the healthcare industry. As a result, Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde reviews are quite positive.

After earning her doctorate from New York University, Murillo-Rohde has carved out an impressive career. After her work as a psychiatric nursing nurse, Murillo-Rohde has been involved in many organizations that highlight the problems of minorities. She was the first president of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses.

Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde has dedicated her life to serving the Hispanic community and has made cultural sensitivity an important part of the nursing profession. She has worked as an academic administrator, a primary dean at NYU School of Nursing, and even served as a consultant for the World Health Organization in Guatemala. Her reviews will prove why she is a legend in the field of nursing.

Dr. Ildaura Murillo Rohde was an international icon in her early years. She worked at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, and then went on to complete her doctorate at New York University. She was the first Hispanic woman to earn these degrees and she inspired everyone who met her.

Her nursing career began in San Antonio, Texas, and she noticed that there were few Hispanic nurses in the area. After earning her Bachelor of Arts in psychiatric and mental health at Columbia University she moved to New York to pursue her Masters and Doctorate. She was soon recruited to work in the federal government, where she reviewed research grants. She was determined to make a difference and was awarded the Fellowship of the American Academy of Nursing. This is the highest honor given to a nurse.

Throughout her career, Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde was honored with numerous honors and awards. She served as a consultant for the World Health Organization and a member of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women. Her work spanned several fields and she also served as a professor and Dean at SUNY. She was a nurse and an academic, and she also founded the National Association of Hispanic Nurses.

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