Gila Bend Az Weather
The Gila Bend weather has two distinct seasons. There is a rainy season (July 15 to March 19) and a dry season (March 19 to July 15). The rainfall in Gila Bend varies from month to month, but the rainiest months are March and August.
The Gila Bend, AZ climate is typically mild, with highs in the low 90s. The local weather report also includes humidity, barometric pressure, heat index, dew point, wind speed, and air quality. The Gila Bend, AZ weather report also lists possible extreme weather conditions.
Gila Bend’s climate is typically hot during the summer and cool during the winter. The average high temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, and 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the coldest months. The hottest months of the year are July and August. July averages 9.99 degrees Fahrenheit during its maximum temperature. The temperature varies moderately during the day and at night. It may dip as low as 29 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
The growing season lasts for 354 days, with a peak in June at 8.4 kWh. The shortest day is December 21 and the longest day is June 21. The dew point is a critical metric because it determines when perspiration begins and evaporates. A lower dew point means drier air, while a higher one means more humidity. However, dew point changes more slowly than temperature. A muggy day usually follows a muggy night.
The Gila Bend area has a rich history. The city was once home to a large Hohokam settlement. It is now a thriving business center with several large manufacturing facilities. Several famous travelers passed through the area, including Father Kino, Juan Bautista de Anza, Kit Carson, and the 49’ers on their way to the California gold fields. In addition, the town is home to a $50 million paper mill and the world’s second largest natural gas power plant. Among its recent additions is a company that creates carbon-free water and air purifiers.
Weather data for Gila Bend is not currently available. There are a few other nearby cities that can provide more accurate and up-to-date information. You may want to check your local weather station to see if the forecast for the Gila Bend area is more accurate than what you’re reading online.
The next three days are forecasted to be hotter than the current one. It is going to be sunny during the day with highs in the low 80s, while it will be cooler at night. It is expected to rain between 5 and 8 pm on Thursday and will fall in the form of scattered showers.