
Ginni Thomas Reportedly Pressed Trumps Chief Of Staff On …

Meghan Thomas reportedly pressed Trump’s chief of staff on making Sidney Powell “the face” of Trump’s legal team. Sidney Powell has made baseless claims of election fraud and is a Trump backer. Thomas also advocated for a stronger response to Republican lawmakers and Trump staffers. She reportedly sent a text message to Meadows urging her to “make Sidney the face” of Trump’s legal team.

The texts between Thomas and Meadows were handed over to the Select Committee on the January 6 attack. Thomas reportedly urged Meadows to help overturn the 2020 election and to retain conspiracy theorist attorney Sidney Powell for Trump’s legal team.

Thomas’s political activism has put her in a difficult spot, however. Though she insists that her husband have separated work and personal lives, her involvement in the 2016 election has led to accusations of a conflict of interest. She was involved with a grassroots group called Groundswell, which was based on a conservative, pro-Trump agenda. The group was formed to fight liberals and establishment Republicans and fundamentally reshape America. Its initial meetings included discussions on election integrity.

Ginni Thomas, Clarence Thomas’s wife, is reportedly the woman who pushed her husband’s chief of staff to overturn the election. She also allegedly had a multi-week text conversation with Mark Meadows, who then stopped working with the House investigation team. The texts also raise questions about whether Thomas had direct communication with White House staff and the Trump legal team.

The texts also highlight Thomas’s belief in baseless conspiracy theories. In one text she argued that the election was rigged and that Trump watermarked ballots so that he could detect fraud. Then she pressed the former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to overturn the 2020 election.

Thomas is currently in the hospital. The reason he’s ill has not been publicly disclosed, but Thomas’ wife recently gave an interview to a friendlier outlet. She also said that he and his wife “wanted to separate work” but could not reach a compromise.

Ginni Thomas’s texts have stirred up a heated political debate. Many left-leaning activists have urged Clarence Thomas to be impeached because of the scandal involving his wife. However, his defenders argue that he should not be held accountable for his wife’s actions.

The Electoral College is a system in which state legislatures choose their president. It was in place in the 19th century, but in the modern era states delegate this responsibility to voters. Nonetheless, Thomas’s emails to two Arizona lawmakers are noteworthy. They contain references to two of Thomas’s top aides, a veteran Republican legislator and a Republican state legislator.

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