

Ethnographic Research on the Ice-Gay Scene in Thailand

Ice-gay practices in Thailand are hardly new, but this ethnography critically analyses the social meanings and sexual socialities that surround ice-gay practice. In Thailand, the use of ice is often conducted in secret or in groups. This study focuses on the gender minority population and the ways in which they practice illicit acts of sexual intimacy.


The YMSM ice scene is a social phenomenon that encompasses almost all aspects of sex, from private one-on-one activities to group sex. Participants often engage in activities that would otherwise be considered too risque. The ice scene is rooted in the sexualized body and embodies power relationships.

The YMSM ice scene is often classified as positive, with many participants relating it to pleasure and agency. They also associate it with beautiful men and hi fun. Ice is pronounced “nam keng” and “ai tim” in Thai, and means “pure” or “clean.” The YMSMs that engage in ice-gay practices are viewed as high society and educated, and have a flawless body and white skin.


Among gay men, meth use is often linked to early hookups. The drug’s addictive qualities and ability to create a dramatic surge in dopamine and serotonin make it ideal for this type of party lifestyle. However, it also has the potential to cause sexual problems, particularly when mixed with sexual activity.

However, it is important to note that not every gay person who takes meth will develop an addiction. In fact, over 80 percent of people who try meth do not become addicted. However, for the 10 percent who do, it can be difficult to break the habit. Another major concern is HIV. Although it is not specific to the gay community, the HIV rate has risen significantly in recent years.

Social hierarchy

Ice use has become a common practice among young males in urban Thailand. Although data on ice use are limited and difficult to obtain from those willing to discuss their practices, ethnographic research at ice parties has revealed the social meanings and sexual socialities associated with ice. This ethnography critically examines the use of ice, the relationships between older and younger men, and the role of mobile technology.

Secret sex with other guests

Ice-gay parties can be very sexually charged. Many of the guests go beyond the limits of their comfort zone and engage in activities like having sex without condoms, sex with more than one partner at the same time, and extended periods of sex. Some dealers use their power to dictate positions and activities, and they may even top or bottom for the host.

Non-invited guests

Non-invited guests were not excluded from ice-gay parties. Some parties were attended by guests of the hosts. Other times, non-invited guests were extended last-minute invitations. In such cases, the non-invited guests could understand the secret language of the ice users.

The parties themselves are social and secretive, replete with symbols and coded languages. These events are usually intended for guests who are “in the know” and who don’t want to draw the attention of Thai authorities. These parties are also an embodied practice of power relations and sexualized bodies.

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