
Isiah Gregg

The story of Isiah Gregg is not a happy one. His parents have received death threats and have been forced to hire a public relations firm to protect them. They have not spoken publicly about the accident until now. A day after the shooting, Isiah’s father made a statement on Facebook and later retained the services of a PR company. Isiah’s mum Valerie Dickerson recently gave her first interview. In it, she shared some insight into the tragic story of her young son’s death.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, there has been an outpouring of anger and frustration. Fox & Friends has talked about the incident endlessly, repeatedly bringing up the idea of charging his parents. But the problem with that idea is that the parents of a four-year-old boy are black. If the child was white, people wouldn’t be talking about his criminal past.

Thankfully, the parents of Isiah Gregg’s death have not faced criminal charges. A week-long investigation has concluded that Michelle Gregg did not intentionally put the child in danger. She is being sued, but no one is sure how the case will turn out. The Hamilton County prosecutor’s office says there are no criminal charges against the parents. Despite all the backlash, Gregg has said she appreciates the prayers of the public. In the meantime, she has not been able to sleep for two days.

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