Issa Asad Net Worth
Issa Asad Net Worth
Issa Asad Net Worth is a well-recognized South Florida entrepreneur, best-selling author, and marketing strategist. Since 1996 he has worked in telecommunications, marketing, technology and social media, earning accolades and successes along the way. Based in Dania Beach Florida he owns Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holding LLC as well as numerous successful businesses that he uses his wealth to fund. Incorporating hard work and dedication he amassed his fortune.
Issa holds two advanced education degrees and established his first company at 23. Known for keeping a low profile, rarely discussing his early life or business ventures, and displaying great ethical qualities with great zeal for helping the needy (donating large sums of money for charity causes), Issa remains silent when speaking about himself but is always available when needed by others in need.
Issa has distinguished himself in the prepaid mobile industry as a pioneer and visionary, being featured by various publications like Intele-Card News and Prepaid Press as an executive with “real vision.” He is well known for his innovative solutions and strategic leadership abilities which have resulted in continuous annual profits across multimillion-dollar companies under his supervision.
His expertise lies in mobile phones, marketing, sales and PIN electronic delivery systems for prepaid products. Furthermore, he was instrumental in driving major industry restructuring which has brought unprecedented growth and success in telecom.
Issa has not only built his telecoms business; he has also written and published several books covering topics related to ecommerce, marketing, SEO practices, social media marketing and profiting from online platforms. These works share his tips on how best to profit from them.
Issa Asad has earned numerous accolades in his telecom business, such as recognition from Intele-Card News and Phone Plus magazine as one of the country’s top telecom executives. Additionally, his work has been showcased by The Prepaid Press and Who’s Who in Telecom. He has created his business from the ground up into a multimillion-dollar enterprise by building it from scratch with his team and taking risks when necessary. Issa strongly believes in his own ability and believes you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. He has provided invaluable lessons in the telecommunications industry to many others, offering advice such as working hard and never giving up even when things appear unproductive. Furthermore, it is vital to maintain an optimistic view of your goals so as not to become discouraged and lose motivation along the way. In order to become successful entrepreneurs it’s also wise to avoid these 4 Traits to Look Out for as Entrepreneurs