Jamall Willingham
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What You Need to Know About Jamall Willingham
Jamall Willingham’s social media profiles
If you’re interested in finding out more about Jamall Willingham, you should check out his social media profiles. These profiles may have information on past arrests, court records, and more. If you want to stay on the safe side, you can also look up his public records, which may show he has a criminal history.
Jamall Willingham’s arrest records
If you want to know Jamall Willingham’s past criminal history, you’ve come to the right place. Arrest records are public record and can be accessed to find out the truth about a person’s past. This person has 4 known addresses in 4 states. You can also find out who Jamall Willingham is related to, including his parents, siblings, and other relatives.
Jamall Willingham’s family
The case of Jamall Willingham has garnered widespread attention, but few people realize that he is innocent. He was convicted and executed based on evidence that is now questionable. The documentary reveals the faulty science used by fire investigators, which was a key factor in Willingham’s conviction. A frontline documentary on the case reveals that a crucial finding came weeks before Willingham was scheduled for execution: the fire investigators had relied on an outdated arson theory to determine if the house was on fire.
Willingham was convicted and executed in Texas in 2004 for the murder of his three young daughters. He fought the case for 12 years to prove his innocence. Weeks before his execution, a comprehensive report by arson expert Dr. Gerald Hurst was on Gov. Rick Perry’s desk. It said that there was no evidence that the fire was intentionally set. However, Perry ignored the report and executed Willingham anyway.