John And Lonnie 2021
If you’ve been wondering what happened to John and Lonnie in the year 2021, you’ve come to the right place. They’ve returned to their family and mended their relationship. They’ve been sticking to their diets, staying active, and calling each other everyday. Now, John can play ball with his son and spend time with his family. They’ve also emphasized the importance of not giving up.
The show revolves around the two morbidly obese brothers, John and Lonnie. The brothers’ morbid obesity requires them to undergo a series of treatments in order to lose the excess weight. Thankfully, they find a bariatric surgeon, Dr. Now, who helps them get back into shape. While their procedures have failed, their commitment to the program continues. As their lives change, so does their relationship with their mother.
In 2021, John and Lonnie Hambrick are doing well after their weight loss journey. The two men, who once weighed as much as 600 pounds each, have lost a combined total of 245lbs. Since then, the Hambricks have maintained their new slim figure. They have an active social media presence as well as a Facebook page. They have also launched an Instagram account. You can follow their weight loss journey on Facebook and Instagram.
While the two men have been keeping a low profile on social media, Lonnie’s weight loss has been significant. He has lost 245 pounds and is aiming to reach a total weight of 368 pounds at the end of the show. They have lost the weight to improve their stamina and health while at work. He can now stand for long periods of time without tiring. However, their weight loss journey has taken longer than they had anticipated.
As you can tell, both men were overeaters in their early years. However, the father of John and Lonnie suffered from an addiction to speed. After their father passed away, John and Lonnie reconnected with his brothers. Their father was a truck driver who was a huge speed freak. Eventually, they reconnected with their family and were given weight loss surgeries. In addition to the weight loss surgery, they had to follow a diet and exercise plan. They also changed their lifestyles and embraced a healthier diet.