Katie Lee Breakfast Cookies
Katie Lee Breakfast Cookies
Katie Lee’s breakfast cookies are a popular treat for a nutritious breakfast. She has several cookbooks and television shows. She also wrote her first novel, “Groundswell,” a story based on her own life experiences. Lee plays a young personal assistant on a Hollywood set, where she marries an older movie star. However, the marriage falls apart after she receives an incriminating text message. She then escapes to a small coastal village in Mexico, where she meets a handsome Californian.
The first step in making Katie Lee’s Breakfast Cookies is to preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Add the remaining ingredients, and bake for about ten minutes. You can also make them ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator or freezer. This recipe makes one dozen cookies.
Katie Lee is a self-taught cook with many years of experience in the food industry. She has also published several cookbooks and a novel. In addition to her cooking work, she has a new baby on the way. So it’s no wonder that she is a busy woman!