
Kleptomaniac Dog

If you have a kleptomaniac dog, you’ve probably experienced at least one episode where your pooch has stolen your items. The thieving is not always intentional; it can simply be an attempt to steal something you don’t need. But there’s a way to stop a kleptomaniac dog in his tracks.

If your dog has never learned to respect the boundary between what is his or hers and what is not, your dog may steal anything. The most common items stolen by a kleptomaniac dog are clothing, shoes, and children’s toys. They may chew on them, tear them, or toss them around while you’re not looking. You may even be surprised to learn that the dog doesn’t even know they’re stealing them.

The behavior is caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain. This deficiency can result from many different causes, including mental health issues like jealousy, depression, eating disorders, and peer pressure. These problems create an emotional void, and impulsive behavior may be used to fill this void or act out against others. There are also genetic factors that increase the risk of kleptomaniac dog behaviors.

You should also keep an eye on your dog’s crate and bed. If he steals from either of these places, chase him and catch him! This will prevent him from stealing from you again. Also, if he attempts to steal from you, make sure he can’t get into your home.

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