
Tori Bilas

When not busy working as a professional artist, Tori Bilas spends her time as a USHJA-qualified horse rider. She also enjoys spending time with her mother and her brother. Although they sometimes tease each other, the Bilas family gets along just fine.

Tori Bilas is a talented artist with an eye for detail. She enjoys painting portraits and horses and has a dedicated website highlighting her work. She also enjoys competing in horse riding competitions and painting horses. Her work is both strong and tender, capturing the essence of the familiar.

Tori Bilas is the daughter of Jay Bilas, a successful college basketball analyst. Tori Bilas enjoys art and horses, and has her own website and Instagram account dedicated to her work. Her father is a talented horseman, too. She is known for her artistic talent and is an inspiration to those who wish to pursue a career in the arts.

Tori Bilas has a love for horses that carries over to every aspect of her life. She and her grey Holsteiner gelding named Brisbane were a perfect match. They competed at the World Equestrian Center and both won top-placed adult amateur divisions.

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