
Transmigrated As A Ghost

What is Transmigration?

Transmigration is a way to make ghosts more powerful. Ghosts can transmigrate in two forms: their base form or an enhanced version. The enhanced version of a ghost has more defense and attack. Once you have transmigrated, new graphics will appear on the ghost’s face. You don’t have to wait until your highest level to transmigrate. It can take a single fusion or 100 fusions before the ghost is ready to transmigrate.

There are many theories about how ghosts transmigrate. One theory posits that ghosts are spirits of deceased people. Another theory of transmigration is that a person who has died returns to live in another world. Reincarnation does require that the soul die and be reborn. However, transmigration does not require death. The transmigrator takes over an already existing body, typically in a role that is familiar to him or her.

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