
Who Made Me Princess

You may have noticed a lot of similarities between the stories in Who Made Me A Princess and the one that you have just read. In both cases, the main characters are girls trying to survive as daughters of blood thirsty emperors. While their characters are somewhat similar, the storylines are surprisingly different. Jennette’s character Ijekiel is introduced to Athanasia in “Who Made Me A Princess”. This takes place during Athanasia’s visit to the royal palace. As Athanasia’s fiancee, Ijekiel comforts her.

Who Made Me A Princess is the story of Athanasia de Obelia, who is reincarnated as The Lovely Princess in a fictional tale. Her true story begins with her execution. However, in the novel, she is given the opportunity to rebuild a relationship and trust with her father. This will not be easy and Athanasia isn’t prepared for it. She is incredibly bored by the message. It’s not like she is incapable of learning new things.

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