J Reuben Booking And Releasing
If you’re wondering how to find out the status of an inmate, you can use the J. Reuben Booking and Releasing Center’s daily roster. This database provides detailed information about inmates, including their first and last name, ethnicity, date of birth, age, booking number, and charges.
The J. Reuben Booking and Releasing Center in Horry County has 193 staff members and officers who are responsible for the overall running of the facility. The staff is also responsible for transporting inmates to court and important engagements. They also provide information on inmates so that their families and loved ones can contact them if necessary.
The Horry County – J. Reuben Booking and Releasing Center is a medium security Adult facility located in Conway, SC. Its population is around 480 and is operated by the Horry County Sheriff’s Department. It houses inmates ranging from low-level misdemeanors to serious crimes. Each year, it receives an average of 1283 bookings.
Inmate information is available through the J. Reuben Booking and Releasing Center’s website. Inmate information can be found using a simple search button. The website allows you to locate an inmate by name and booking date. The roster is updated daily. Inmates can also check in on the roaster.
Visits to an inmate’s cell are also available through the J. Reuben Long Detention Center via online and onsite video. These visits are scheduled by the inmate’s housing unit and can last for as little as 15 minutes. Visitors must fill out a visitation list. This list is filled out after processing. Inmates can change their visitation lists once a month.
Various programs are offered at the J. Reuben Booking and Releasing Center, including substance abuse, computer education, and other programs. These programs help prisoners prepare for re-entering society. These programs will also help them learn how to manage their anger and substance abuse. These programs can help detained inmates get a job or go back to school.
If you are charged with a crime, you may be in need of a restraining order. In some cases, the J. Reuben Long Detention Center can serve as your temporary home while awaiting your court date. In the meantime, it can be used for mental health inmates who are awaiting transfer to a mental institution. This facility also accepts recommendations from specific entities.