
Jonny Giger Net Worth

Jonny Giger Net Worth

Jonny Giger Net Worth is an American professional skateboarder who has developed an enormous social media following for his amazing tricks. Featured in numerous videos and with millions of subscribers on YouTube alone. As part of team illUMATE and having his own skateboard company called Braille Skateboards; currently living in Switzerland.

Jonny Giger recently traveled to Osaka, Japan in his latest video to witness children skateboarding at an indoor skatepark. After commenting on the rainy weather and admitting he’s tired after attending an all-night karaoke night the night before, he watched in amazement as children performed various tricks with their boards.

After watching the kids perform some incredible tricks, he decides to give some themselves. After practicing his own stunts on his board, including spinning and flipping it in midair and landing various jumps without colliding into anything, he performs some incredible stunts of his own!

The video concludes with the audience applauding him for his incredible skateboarding abilities, making clear that he possesses considerable potential and is only beginning to tap his capabilities. No wonder that he has gained so much fame so quickly!

Jonny Giger was born September 19th 1992 in Switzerland and currently resides there. As a professional skateboarder he is sponsored by Revive Skateboards, Force Wheels and Shorty’s Hardware; known for his stance skateboarding in SLS championships; as well as having created his own YouTube channel with over one million subscribers where he shares how-to and trick demonstration videos.

Giger boasts an impressive Instagram following of more than 300,000, with nearly every post related to his skating adventures or other activities being shared there. Aside from skating, he enjoys spending time with family as well as skating; although not currently romantically involved with anyone in particular.

Giger has made every effort to remain humble and grounded despite his success as a skateboarder, serving as an admirable role model and having an exceptional work ethic. Furthermore, he’s an avid reader who also plays guitar during his free time.

Though Giger does not disclose details about his personal life, it is widely assumed he is married. He keeps this aspect of his life private and does not discuss details regarding love affairs or marriage on social media platforms. Giger is known to be an attentive husband and father while remaining dedicated to both career and skateboard hobby. He serves as an example for many aspiring skateboarders looking to break into skateboarding; we wish him all of the best for future endeavors!

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