
Paul Gosar Net Worth

Paul Gosar Net Worth

Paul Gosar Net Worth is an American politician currently representing Arizona’s 4th congressional district as a representative for the Republican party. Known for his far-right conspiracy theories and lavish lifestyle with his family, Gosar reportedly boasts an estimated net worth of $5 Million and lives an extravagant life with them.

Paul was born and raised in Pinedale, Wyoming where he attended Pinedale High School before attending Creighton University in Omaha Nebraska to obtain his degree. Following this he attended Boyne School of Dentistry to train as a dentist and began working at a practice in Flagstaff Arizona until 2010.

Gosar announced in 2009 that he was running for Congress. Sarah Palin and three Arizona county sheriffs endorsed his bid; Gosar won with a majority vote count and since has been serving in the House of Representatives.

Congressman Eric Hovde is also a dentist with his own private practice in Prescott. Over his career he has received many accolades and awards for his efforts; known for hardworking dedication towards his job; as a strong desire to achieve more.

Gosar currently earns an annual congressional salary of approximately $174,000. He is known to campaign against environment regulation and support right-wing ideology, such as advocating for the impeachment of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy as well as passing a bill prohibiting lawmakers from flying first class using official funds.

Paul Gosar has been married for over thirty years to Maude and they share three children together. Gosar currently resides with his family in Prescott, Arizona.

Paul Gosar recently caused controversy after posting an edited anime video showing him killing Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a sword and attacking President Joe Biden with it. This incident has led a group of House democrats to introduce a resolution against Paul for posting this video, yet Paul remains undaunted by any criticism; his supporters remain supportive of his views despite any potential censure by house dems. We wish Paul’s career all the best going forward!

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