
Shane Van Boening Net Worth

Shane Van Boening Net Worth

Pool is an engaging sport, and many find the profession of professional pool players romantic. Hollywood movies and television shows often depict professional pool players as silent road warriors with wooden sticks roaming across America looking for money games; top players may make six-figure annual salaries; however, this doesn’t make their job any less challenging!

Shane Van Boening, an American pool player who is widely recognized worldwide, has gained worldwide renown for his skill at pool. Known for winning numerous championships and boasting several sponsors as well as an enormous fan base on social media, Shane is among one of the most modest athletes ever.

Shane began his professional pool career in 2006 by defeating Vilmos Foldes of Hungary at an International Pool Tour qualifier and earning $5,000 by breaking and running six consecutive racks in that match. Additionally, he won three VNEA national amateur eight-ball titles that same year and made it to the BCA Open Nine-Ball Championship final against Dennis Orcollol before losing out 2-1; during that same year he took home his inaugural pro title: Reno Open 9-Ball Championship.

His family had an immense impact on his pocket billiards abilities; Gary Bloomberg was an acclaimed trick-shot artist while Jeanne and Gari Jo were former VNEA national champions; additionally his mother Timi won BCA national titles.

Pool has long been a passion of 38-year-old player from Rapid City, South Dakota. Growing up playing pool alongside his uncles as children. He attributes his success to hard work and perseverance he displayed during those early years; even though they faced difficulties such as bullying and hearing impairment. They did not let these obstacles deter them from following their dream of pool.

As such, he has become an inspiration to young players across the UPA Tour and beyond. Additionally, he started the Pool For All Foundation to assist children with disabilities or need. Billiards Digest named him Player of the Decade for 2010s while four times won him Player of Year on AZBilliards (2007, 2011, 2013 and 2014). At present he stands as Number One on UPA Tour rankings.

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