Stokes Twins Phone Number
You need to know the phone numbers of the Stokes Twins YouTube and TikTok stars. In addition to their personal and business cell numbers, they also have an email address and a residence address in Los Angeles. Let’s find out what they are up to! The Stokes Twins are famous for their humorous and inspirational videos. They have more than 40 million subscribers on YouTube.
Stokes Twins have millions of fans worldwide and you may be one of them! Listed below are their contact numbers, office address, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Their phone number can be found on the Stokes Twins website. There’s a good chance you have questions about the team. However, you should keep in mind that they do not provide customer service 24/7, so it’s best to check out their social media profiles first before calling them.
In addition to their YouTube and social media accounts, the Stokes Twins are also very active on Instagram and Twitter. You’re certain to have seen a video featuring the Stokes Twins on YouTube, as they’ve been there since April 2008. They upload videos that are based on pranks or challenges to their YouTube channel. Recently, they started making myth buster videos.
Although they’re identical, the Stokes Twins are not related by blood. They are half-Chinese, half-white. Alex Stokes is the younger brother, while Alan Stokes is the elder. Their husky dog Sheeba is their pet, and their childhood was spent in Florida. They have been famous for their hilarious videos, and their twin brother Alan Stokes has nearly 30 million followers.
The twins released a compilation album in 2019 featuring their favourite tracks. Their video featured both them and the acclaimed singers. Unfortunately, Alex Stokes almost died in March 2019 after his appendix burst. His death has shocked many people and his fans. The twins have been sharing videos and interacting with their fans on Instagram since their childhood.